752 AM EDT FRI AUG 18 2017 Western King and Queen-Northumberland-Richmond-Westmoreland-Western Essex-Eastern Essex- 752 AM EDT FRI AUG 18 2017 .NOW... At 748 AM EDT, Doppler radar indicated showers and isolated thunderstorms extending from near Loretto to near Millers Tavern, moving east at 30 mph. These showers will be near... Tappahannock, Dunnsville and Center Cross around 755 AM EDT. Sharps around 805 AM EDT. Warsaw around 810 AM EDT. Farnham, Newland and Haynesville around 815 AM EDT. Montross and Robley around 820 AM EDT. Callao around 830 AM EDT. Heathsville around 835 AM EDT. Hague and Lewisetta around 840 AM EDT. Other locations impacted by these showers include Beazley, Currioman Landing, Lottsburg, Threeway, Avalon, Lyells, Westmoreland, Mount Landing, Dodlyt and Erica. Motorists should use extra caution in the vicinity of these storms... and be prepared for rapid changes in weather and road conditions. Locally heavy rain could cause ponding of water on roads...and possible minor flooding of ditches and poor drainage areas. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle.