Kentucky Weather Summary -- 2021: By: Matt Dixon UK Ag. Weather Center --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period July 26, 2021 to August 1, 2021 Near Normal Temperatures and Slightly Below Normal Rainfall: Temperatures for the period averaged 77 degrees across the state which was near normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 89 in the West to 86 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from near normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 69 degrees in the West to 67 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 3 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 95 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 57 degrees at CINCINNATI. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.95 inches statewide which was 0.03 inches below normal and 97% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.41 inches, Central 0.50 inches, Bluegrass 0.88 inches and East 1.99 inches, which was -0.52, -0.47, -0.09 and 0.96 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALEXANDRIA 5NW to a high of 4.78 inches at VANCEBURG 6W. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210726 to 20210801(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 89 0 69 2 79 1 0.41 -0.52 44 95 62 CENTRAL(CD2) 87 -1 68 2 78 1 0.50 -0.47 52 95 60 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 85 -2 66 1 76 0 0.88 -0.09 91 94 57 EAST(CD4) 86 -1 67 3 76 1 1.99 0.96 193 93 59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 87 -1 68 2 77 0 0.95 -0.03 97 95 57 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period July 19, 2021 to July 25, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Rainfall: Following a very wet first half of July, the weather turned quiet this period leading to mostly dry conditions across the state. The one exception came on Sunday as scattered showers and storms formed across the area. Ultimately though, the state averaged just 0.08 inches for the week. A number of locations missed the rain on Sunday and did not record any rainfall for the week. Looking back, this was the driest week for the Commonwealth since the second week of May. Temperatures ran slightly below seasonable norms through most the workweek, brought down a bit by a smokey haze originating from wildfires across the Western United States. Temperatures and especially humidity increased over the weekend with some seeing the heat index top the century mark. Temperatures for the period averaged 75 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees cooler than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 87 in the West to 85 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 68 degrees in the West to 64 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from near normal in the West to near normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 95 degrees at CAPE GIRARDEAU ASOS and the extreme low was 55 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.08 inches statewide which was 0.87 inches below normal and 8% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.12 inches, Central 0.04 inches, Bluegrass 0.03 inches and East 0.14 inches, which was 0.78, 0.93, 0.91 and 0.86 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALBANY 1N to a high of 1.11 inches at POPLAR BLUFF ASOS. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210719 to 20210725(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 87 -2 68 0 77 -1 0.12 -0.78 13 95 61 CENTRAL(CD2) 85 -3 65 -1 75 -2 0.04 -0.93 4 94 58 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 84 -3 63 -2 73 -3 0.03 -0.91 3 91 56 EAST(CD4) 85 -2 64 0 74 -1 0.14 -0.86 14 92 55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 85 -3 65 -1 75 -2 0.08 -0.87 8 95 55 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period July 12, 2021 to July 18, 2021 Near Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall: Kentucky saw another active week with multiple rounds of showers and storms. Just like the previous period, each day featured some amount of rainfall coverage. The highest coverage occurred early in the week and again on Friday/over the weekend with a cold front slowly progressing across the area. Storms were again capable of producing frequent lightning, gusty winds, and torrential rainfall, which in some cases led to localized flooding. The state rainfall average has now run above normal for three straight weeks, which is the first time that has happened in 2021. Over that three-week period, the state has averaged 4.96 inches, which is about 2 inches above normal over that time span. Just to put into perspective, normal rainfall for July in Kentucky is 4.86 inches. Temperatures for the period averaged 77 degrees across the state which was near normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 85 in the West to 84 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 5 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 70 degrees in the West to 68 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 92 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 64 degrees at LOUISA 1S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.56 inches statewide which was 0.56 inches above normal and 156% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.62 inches, Central 1.70 inches, Bluegrass 1.85 inches and East 1.09 inches, which was 0.64, 0.68, 0.87 and 0.06 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.08 inches at BARBOURVILLE 3E to a high of 3.40 inches at PADUCAH ASOS. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210712 to 20210718(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 85 -5 70 2 78 -1 1.62 0.64 165 90 66 CENTRAL(CD2) 84 -4 70 4 77 0 1.70 0.68 167 92 65 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 83 -4 69 4 76 0 1.85 0.87 189 89 64 EAST(CD4) 84 -3 68 5 76 1 1.09 0.06 106 91 64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 84 -4 69 4 77 0 1.56 0.56 156 92 64 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period July 5, 2021 to July 11, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: The Commonwealth has seen a very active pattern as of late with two straight weeks where the state rainfall average has run well above normal. In fact, the state has averaged 3.39 inches over that two week span, which is nearly 1.5 inches above normal. Outside of a mostly dry Friday this past week, the Commonwealth saw at least isolated to scattered coverage on a daily basis. Activity really picked up on Thursday with an advancing cold front and then again over the weekend with multiple rounds of storms. Heavy rain continued to be the predominant threat, which led to some bouts of localized flooding. While the state averaged 1.67 inches for the week, a large number of locations saw more than two. Outside of storms, heat and humidity remained with the Commonwealth throughout the period, but close to what we would normally see at this time of year. Temperatures for the period averaged 77 degrees across the state which was 1 degree warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 87 in the West to 86 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to near normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 68 degrees in the West to 67 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 93 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 59 degrees at CARLISLE 5SW. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.67 inches statewide which was 0.69 inches above normal and 170% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.94 inches, Central 1.71 inches, Bluegrass 1.48 inches and East 1.53 inches, which was 0.96, 0.72, 0.52 and 0.53 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BARBOURVILLE 3E to a high of 3.83 inches at MARION 4NE. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210705 to 20210711(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 87 -2 68 1 78 0 1.94 0.96 198 93 61 CENTRAL(CD2) 86 -1 69 3 77 1 1.71 0.72 173 93 62 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 84 -2 67 2 76 1 1.48 0.52 154 92 59 EAST(CD4) 86 0 67 4 76 2 1.53 0.53 153 92 60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 86 -1 68 3 77 1 1.67 0.69 170 93 59 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period June 28, 2021 to July 4, 2021 Near Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall: Summer heat and humidity was in place to start the period with highs jumping into the upper 80s to middle 90s on Monday and Tuesday. Isolated to scattered showers and storms accompanied the heat, before increasing in coverage on Wednesday and especially Thursday with the passage of a cold front. In fact, coverage turned widespread on Thursday and with a very moist and unstable airmass in place, torrential rainfall was once again on the table. This led to some bouts of flash flooding across the state. Some of the more intense activity fell across Southern Fayette and Clark Counties, which saw 4-6 inches. Otherwise, the state as a whole averaged 1.73 inches for the week, the highest weekly average since early May. Behind the cold front, conditions turned dry, cooler, and less humid for the end of the work week and holiday weekend. Temperatures for the period averaged 75 degrees across the state which was near normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 85 in the West to 83 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 66 degrees in the West to 64 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from near normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 97 degrees at LOUISVILLE APT and the extreme low was 51 degrees at MCKEE 5S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.73 inches statewide which was 0.74 inches above normal and 174% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.60 inches, Central 1.29 inches, Bluegrass 2.43 inches and East 1.58 inches, which was 0.61, 0.31, 1.46 and 0.55 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.16 inches at EDMONTON 5W to a high of 5.38 inches at WINCHESTER 3NW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210628 to 20210704(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 85 -3 66 0 76 -1 1.60 0.61 162 96 54 CENTRAL(CD2) 85 -1 66 1 75 -1 1.29 0.31 132 97 52 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 83 -2 66 2 74 -1 2.43 1.46 251 95 52 EAST(CD4) 83 -3 64 2 74 0 1.58 0.55 153 95 51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 84 -2 66 2 75 0 1.73 0.74 174 97 51 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period June 21, 2021 to June 27, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: The majority of the rainfall for the week fell on Monday as a cold front crossed the area. A very moist airmass led to torrential rainfall rates at times with accumulations of 1 to 1.5 inches for much of Kentucky. The exception was across South Central Kentucky and along the Ohio River between Ballard County in Western Kentucky to Campbell County in the Northern Bluegrass. These areas generally stayed under a half inch. Outside of some spotty activity over the weekend, the rest of the period followed a mostly dry pattern. Looking at temperatures, dehind the cold front early in the week, highs fell below normal for a couple days. In fact,temperatures were limited to the low to middle 70s on Tuesday. Saying that, it did not last long as highs were back in the middle 80s to low 90s for the weekend, along with increased humidity. Temperatures for the period averaged 73 degrees across the state which was 1 degree cooler than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 84 in the West to 81 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 65 degrees in the West to 61 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from near normal in the West to 1 degree warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 94 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 44 degrees at OWINGSVILLE 4S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.89 inches statewide which was 0.12 inches below normal and 88% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.97 inches, Central 0.81 inches, Bluegrass 0.82 inches and East 0.95 inches, which was 0.04, 0.19, 0.18 and 0.08 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.01 inches at EVANSVILLE ASOS to a high of 3.61 inches at PRINCETON 2SE. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210621 to 20210627(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 84 -3 65 0 75 -1 0.97 -0.04 96 93 49 CENTRAL(CD2) 83 -3 64 1 74 -1 0.81 -0.19 81 94 47 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 82 -2 62 -1 72 -1 0.82 -0.18 82 90 44 EAST(CD4) 81 -4 61 1 71 -2 0.95 -0.08 92 91 45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 82 -4 63 0 73 -1 0.89 -0.12 88 94 44 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period June 14, 2021 to June 20, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall: Kentucky opened the period with much cooler and less humid conditions filtering into the area behind a couple cold fronts. Northerly flow brought the Canadian airmass down into the Bluegrass State on Tuesday with highs only in the upper 70s to middle 80s. This pattern stuck around through midweek before heat started to return to the area. In fact, by Friday, highs were back in the upper 80s to low 90s. This heat stuck around through the weekend and in combo with high humidity, the livestock heat stress index lifted into the danger category each afternoon. The majority of the week ran dry for the state. The one exception came Friday night when heavy rains fell across the Northern Bluegrass. Some locations saw in excess of 2 to 3 inches. Temperatures for the period averaged 74 degrees across the state which was 1 degree warmer than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 88 in the West to 84 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to near normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 66 degrees in the West to 61 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 93 degrees at HICKMAN 2E and the extreme low was 47 degrees at PAINTSVILLE 4W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.34 inches statewide which was 0.66 inches below normal and 34% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.00 inches, Central 0.01 inches, Bluegrass 1.06 inches and East 0.27 inches, which was -0.98, -0.99, 0.05 and -0.75 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALBANY 1N to a high of 3.77 inches at BURLINGTON 4S. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210614 to 20210620(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 88 2 66 2 77 2 0.00 -0.98 0 95 56 CENTRAL(CD2) 86 2 63 1 74 1 0.01 -0.99 1 92 53 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 84 1 61 0 72 0 1.06 0.05 105 91 50 EAST(CD4) 84 0 61 2 72 1 0.27 -0.75 26 90 47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 86 2 63 2 74 1 0.34 -0.66 34 95 47 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period June 7, 2021 to June 13, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: A summertime pattern led to a warm, humid and active period for the Commonwealth. The state saw daily rounds of scattered to numerous showers and thunderstorms through the week. This activity was more of a diurnal pattern with coverage increasing by day and decreasing overnight. A very moist air mass led to storms capable of producing very heavy rainfall. As the week progressed, slow storms motions combined with torrential rainfall rates, led to localized flooding. All this being said, it was not a washout for everyone. The scattered coverage led to quite the range in total accumulations. Some saw less than a quarter inch, more so across the western half of Kentucky. Others saw in excess of two to three+ inches, which was common across the eastern half. The very humid conditions led to oppressive heat at times. In fact, portions of Western Kentucky jumped into the middle 90s on Saturday. Combined with high humidity, heat indices rose well over the century mark. Temperatures for the period averaged 76 degrees across the state which was 5 degrees warmer than normal and 8 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 85 in the West to 82 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to near normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 70 degrees in the West to 67 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 96 degrees at MORGANFIELD 4E and the extreme low was 60 degrees at MCKEE 5S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.52 inches statewide which was 0.48 inches above normal and 145% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.63 inches, Central 1.35 inches, Bluegrass 2.00 inches and East 2.11 inches, which was -0.36, 0.29, 0.93 and 1.05 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.04 inches at FRANKLIN 4SW to a high of 4.42 inches at LONDON. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210607 to 20210613(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 85 1 70 8 78 5 0.63 -0.36 64 96 67 CENTRAL(CD2) 84 1 69 8 77 5 1.35 0.29 127 95 62 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 83 2 68 8 75 5 2.00 0.93 187 93 62 EAST(CD4) 82 0 67 9 74 4 2.11 1.05 199 95 60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 84 2 68 8 76 5 1.52 0.48 145 96 60 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period May 31, 2021 to June 6, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall: Following a drier month of May, the Bluegrass State saw quite the active pattern for the start of June. The brunt of the activity fell between Tuesday night and Thursday. Just about everyone across the state saw significant widespread rainfall. A large portion of Western Kentucky saw 2+ inches. Totals decreased to the east with most in the 0.5 to 1.5 inch range. Some strong to severe storms accompanied the activity on Thursday, producing gusty winds and moderate to heavy rainfall. During this time frame, temperatures ran below normal, not seeing an increase until Friday and Saturday. Highs on Saturday reached into the middle to upper 80s under partly to mostly sunny skies. The week then closed with scattered precipitation in place on Sunday. Overall, Western Kentucky averaged 2.46 inches for the week. Those numbers decreased quite drastically to the east with Eastern Kentucky only averaging 1 inch. Temperatures for the period averaged 68 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees cooler than normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 78 in the West to 78 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 5 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 60 degrees in the West to 58 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 89 degrees at BURKESVILLE 3W and the extreme low was 41 degrees at CARLISLE 5SW. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.65 inches statewide which was 0.55 inches above normal and 151% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 2.46 inches, Central 2.00 inches, Bluegrass 1.13 inches and East 1.00 inches, which was 1.39, 0.88, 0.04 and -0.10 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.24 inches at PIKEVILLE 13S to a high of 3.79 inches at CADIZ 4SW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210531 to 20210606(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 78 -5 60 -1 69 -3 2.46 1.39 230 88 45 CENTRAL(CD2) 78 -3 58 -1 68 -2 2.00 0.88 179 89 42 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 77 -3 58 0 67 -2 1.13 0.04 104 87 41 EAST(CD4) 78 -3 58 2 68 0 1.00 -0.10 91 88 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 78 -3 58 -0 68 -2 1.65 0.55 151 89 41 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period May 24, 2021 to May 30, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: Kentucky saw an extension to the dry and warm pattern to start the workweek. Highs on Monday and Tuesday jumped into the middle 80s to around 90, well above normal for this time of year. The dry pattern finally broke over the second half of the workweek with a couple rounds of showers and storms, one coming on Wednesday and the other on Friday. In addition to some light activity on Saturday, the state averaged 0.89 inches for the week, which is still slightly below normal for this time of year. Saying that, the rain was still a welcome sight after two straight weeks of well below normal rainfall. Through May 30th, the state is running about 1.25 inches below normal for the month of May. Behind the passage of a cold front on Friday, very chilly air for May standards filtered into the region. In fact, highs on Saturday struggled in the 50s with many locations setting all time record cool high temperatures for the day. Temperatures for the period averaged 67 degrees across the state which was 1 degree cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 77 in the West to 75 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 4 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 59 degrees in the West to 58 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 92 degrees at PADUCAH ASOS and the extreme low was 38 degrees at BRANDENBURG 4SW. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.89 inches statewide which was 0.22 inches below normal and 80% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.76 inches, Central 0.70 inches, Bluegrass 0.91 inches and East 1.20 inches, which was -0.34, -0.46, -0.17 and 0.08 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.11 inches at RUSSELLVILLE 2W to a high of 3.05 inches at TRIANGLE MOUNTAIN. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210524 to 20210530(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 77 -4 59 1 68 -2 0.76 -0.34 69 92 42 CENTRAL(CD2) 76 -3 58 1 67 -1 0.70 -0.46 60 91 38 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 75 -3 58 2 66 -1 0.91 -0.17 84 91 38 EAST(CD4) 75 -4 58 4 67 1 1.20 0.08 107 91 41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 76 -3 58 2 67 -1 0.89 -0.22 80 92 38 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period May 17, 2021 to May 23, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Rainfall: Kentucky saw a second straight week of below normal rainfall in what is typically the wettest month of the year for the Bluegrass State. In fact, a number of locations across Kentucky did not see any rainfall throughout the period. If accumulations were seen, they were generally light in nature and confined to the first couple days of the week. Over the past 14 days, the state has only averaged 0.23 inches, which is just over two inches below normal. Summer-like temperatures accompanied the dry conditions. Highs slowly inched upward throughout the period, peaking in the mid to upper 80s for most everyone. Louisville even hit 90 for the first time this year. Temperatures for the period averaged 70 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees warmer than normal and 14 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 82 in the West to 81 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 3 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 62 degrees in the West to 57 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 6 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 6 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 90 degrees at LOUISVILLE APT and the extreme low was 48 degrees at BURKESVILLE 3W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.14 inches statewide which was 0.99 inches below normal and 12% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.19 inches, Central 0.00 inches, Bluegrass 0.27 inches and East 0.09 inches, which was 0.93, 1.18, 0.81 and 1.04 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALBANY 1N to a high of 1.38 inches at ALEXANDRIA 5NW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210517 to 20210523(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 82 3 62 6 72 4 0.19 -0.93 17 89 55 CENTRAL(CD2) 82 5 59 4 71 5 0.00 -1.18 0 90 48 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 81 5 58 4 70 5 0.27 -0.81 25 89 53 EAST(CD4) 81 4 57 6 69 5 0.09 -1.04 8 89 49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 82 5 59 5 70 4 0.14 -0.99 12 90 48 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period May 10, 2021 to May 16, 2021 Well Below Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Rainfall: Judging by May standards, Kentucky saw another dry and cool period. Temperatures ran below normal the entirety of the week. Highs struggled in the 60s through Thursday, before slowly inching higher over the weekend. Some patchy frost was even in the picture late in the workweek for mainly the Bluegrass and Eastern Kentucky. Below normal temperatures have been no stranger to Kentucky as of late. In fact, the state average temperature has ran below normal four of the past five weeks. Through May 16th, high temperatures for the month have averaged about 6 degrees below normal. Low temperatures have ran roughly 4 degrees below normal. Mostly dry conditions accompanied the cooler temperatures. The state only averaged 0.08 inches for the week, most of which fell over the latter half of the weekend. Temperatures for the period averaged 56 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees cooler than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 68 in the West to 67 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 9 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 9 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 46 degrees in the West to 44 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees cooler than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 82 degrees at PADUCAH ASOS and the extreme low was 32 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.08 inches statewide which was 1.04 inches below normal and 7% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.08 inches, Central 0.06 inches, Bluegrass 0.02 inches and East 0.17 inches, which was 1.1, 1.12, 1.03 and 0.9 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALEXANDRIA 5NW to a high of 0.47 inches at WHITESBURG 2NW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210510 to 20210516(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 68 -9 46 -8 57 -8 0.08 -1.10 7 82 37 CENTRAL(CD2) 67 -9 45 -7 56 -8 0.06 -1.12 5 75 35 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 66 -8 42 -9 54 -9 0.02 -1.03 2 75 34 EAST(CD4) 67 -9 44 -4 55 -7 0.17 -0.90 16 75 32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 67 -9 44 -7 56 -8 0.08 -1.04 7 82 32 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period May 3, 2021 to May 9, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Rainfall: Kentucky has been stuck in a wet pattern as of late and this period was no different. The most extensive activity fell over the first half of the workweek, especially-so Monday night and into Tuesday morning across South Central Kentucky. Some saw 2-5+ inches in less than 6 hours, leading to numerous reports of flash flooding. A total of five weak tornados and several reports of damaging winds also accompanied the heavy rainfall across Western Kentucky. Cooler and active conditions remained for the rest of the week. The state saw a couple quick-hitting rounds of rainfall on Thursday and Friday, followed by more widespread activity on Sunday. Overall, the state averaged 2.33 inches for the week. The highest totals were centered around the Bowling Green area with 4+ inches common. The Barren County Mesonet Station even recorded over 7 inches. Temperatures for the period averaged 59 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 69 in the West to 68 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 6 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 6 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 52 degrees in the West to 50 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from near normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 80 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 35 degrees at OWINGSVILLE 4S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 2.33 inches statewide which was 1.24 inches above normal and 214% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 2.29 inches, Central 3.24 inches, Bluegrass 2.29 inches and East 1.49 inches, which was 1.11, 2.1, 1.28 and 0.46 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.48 inches at BIG SANDY to a high of 7.55 inches at GLASGOW 11W. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210503 to 20210509(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 69 -6 52 0 61 -2 2.29 1.11 194 80 40 CENTRAL(CD2) 68 -6 51 1 59 -3 3.24 2.10 284 80 37 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 66 -6 49 0 57 -4 2.29 1.28 227 79 35 EAST(CD4) 68 -6 50 4 59 -1 1.49 0.46 145 79 35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 68 -6 50 1 59 -2 2.33 1.24 214 80 35 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period April 26, 2021 to May 2, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: Unlike the previous couple weeks, temperatures ran near to above normal for much of the period with highs peaking in the 70s about every day. Even reaching the low to middle 80s statewide on Tuesday. The one exception came Friday night when the eastern third of the state saw lows dip well into the 30s, opening the possibility of some patchy frost in valley and sheltered locations. Looking at precipitation, an active pattern setup across Kentucky on Wednesday and Thursday with multiple bouts of moderate to heavy rainfall. The highest totals were seen across Western Kentucky and locations to the northeast along the Ohio River. Following a couple near perfect days for the running of the Oaks and Derby, light rain started to return to the area on Sunday. Overall, total accumulations decreased from west to east for the week. While Western Kentucky averaged 1.60 inches, Eastern Kentucky ran below normal at 0.65 inches. Temperatures for the period averaged 64 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees warmer than normal and 14 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 76 in the West to 76 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 3 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 56 degrees in the West to 51 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 6 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 87 degrees at BIG SANDY and the extreme low was 31 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.13 inches statewide which was 0.06 inches above normal and 106% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.60 inches, Central 1.14 inches, Bluegrass 1.12 inches and East 0.65 inches, which was 0.39, 0.05, 0.14 and -0.34 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.15 inches at MIDDLESBORO AWOS to a high of 4.37 inches at LEITCHFIELD 3W. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210426 to 20210502(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 76 3 56 6 66 4 1.60 0.39 132 84 39 CENTRAL(CD2) 75 3 53 5 64 4 1.14 0.05 105 84 35 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 74 4 51 4 63 5 1.12 0.14 114 82 32 EAST(CD4) 76 4 51 7 64 6 0.65 -0.34 66 87 31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 75 3 53 6 64 4 1.13 0.06 106 87 31 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period April 19, 2021 to April 25, 2021 Well Below Normal Temperatures and Slightly Below Normal Precipitation: Despite being in the third week of April, Kentucky received another taste of winter this past week. Following a mild and dry start to the workweek, a strong cold front worked through the region on Tuesday night. Widespread showers accompanied the boundary, but as temperatures plummeted, precipitation type turned to snow. Much of the state saw some minor accumulations on grassy and elevated surfaces, peaking across North Central Kentucky and the Bluegrass Region in the 1 to 2 inch range. Snow melted pretty quickly, but chilly temperatures stuck around the next several days with well below normal temperatures in place. Extreme minimum temperatures for the week were down in the upper 20s to middle 30s for most of Kentucky. While temperatures warmed up over the weekend, the state saw a round of widespread rainfall on Saturday. Much of the state saw between a half and one inch of precipitation. Southwestern Kentucky, including most of the Purchase and Pennyrile regions, were between 1 and 1.5 inches. Temperatures for the period averaged 50 degrees across the state which was 7 degrees cooler than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 62 in the West to 60 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 9 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 10 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 41 degrees in the West to 38 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 7 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees cooler than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 74 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 23 degrees at BARBOURVILLE 3E. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.92 inches statewide which was 0.09 inches below normal and 91% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.24 inches, Central 1.05 inches, Bluegrass 0.78 inches and East 0.62 inches, which was 0.07, 0.03, -0.15 and -0.31 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.46 inches at JACKSON 3SE to a high of 2.00 inches at PRINCETON 2SE. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210419 to 20210425(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 62 -9 41 -7 52 -7 1.24 0.07 106 73 29 CENTRAL(CD2) 60 -10 40 -6 50 -8 1.05 0.03 103 74 26 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 58 -10 38 -6 48 -8 0.78 -0.15 84 72 26 EAST(CD4) 60 -10 38 -4 49 -7 0.62 -0.31 67 74 23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 60 -10 39 -6 50 -7 0.92 -0.09 91 74 23 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period April 12, 2021 to April 18, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: The state saw multiple rounds of light rainfall pass through the region over the course of the week, but in the end, didn't amount to much in the way of accumulations. Overall, the state average ran below normal for a third straight week, totaling 0.17 inches. Through April 18th, data at the Ag Weather Center shows the state has only averaged 0.96 inches, which is over 1.5 inches below normal. Following a mild start to the week, temperatures took a step back for the second half with below normal temperatures in place. The coolest temperatures were seen on Friday morning with most of Kentucky dropping into the low to middle 30s, opening up the possibility of frost. Temperatures for the period averaged 52 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees cooler than normal and 12 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 64 in the West to 63 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 5 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 5 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 44 degrees in the West to 42 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 76 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 29 degrees at BARBOURVILLE 3E. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.17 inches statewide which was 0.83 inches below normal and 17% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.18 inches, Central 0.11 inches, Bluegrass 0.24 inches and East 0.16 inches, which was 0.95, 0.91, 0.67 and 0.79 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.01 inches at ALEXANDRIA 5NW to a high of 0.49 inches at CALHOUN 5NW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210412 to 20210418(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 64 -5 44 -2 54 -4 0.18 -0.95 16 76 33 CENTRAL(CD2) 63 -5 42 -2 53 -3 0.11 -0.91 11 76 30 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 61 -5 41 -1 51 -3 0.24 -0.67 26 70 30 EAST(CD4) 63 -5 42 2 52 -2 0.16 -0.79 17 75 29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 63 -5 42 -1 52 -4 0.17 -0.83 17 76 29 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period April 5, 2021 to April 11, 2021 Well Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall: The period started with dry and very mild conditions in place. Highs Monday through Wednesday rose into the middle 70s to low 80s behind southwest winds and mostly sunny skies. Showers and storms returned to the area midweek, peaking in coverage on Wednesday night and into Thursday with widespread showers in place. Kentucky then saw a brief break from the rain on Friday with well above normal temperatures across the state. In fact, portions of the western half of Kentucky jumped into the middle 80s, about 15 to 20 degrees above normal for this time of year. Additional showers and storms arrived over the weekend, most notably on Saturday and lingering across the northern half of the state on Sunday. Overall, the state averaged 0.79 inches for the the week, marking a 2nd straight week that the state average has ran slightly below normal. Temperatures for the period averaged 63 degrees across the state which was 10 degrees warmer than normal and 16 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 76 in the West to 75 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 9 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 54 degrees in the West to 50 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 10 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 12 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 86 degrees at EVANSVILLE ASOS and the extreme low was 33 degrees at BARBOURVILLE 3E. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.79 inches statewide which was 0.2 inches below normal and 79% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.63 inches, Central 0.74 inches, Bluegrass 0.93 inches and East 0.84 inches, which was -0.50, -0.28, 0.03 and -0.09 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.12 inches at OWENSBORO AWSS to a high of 1.68 inches at MAYFIELD 6SW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210405 to 20210411(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 76 9 54 10 65 10 0.63 -0.50 56 86 38 CENTRAL(CD2) 75 9 52 10 63 9 0.74 -0.28 73 84 34 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 72 8 51 11 62 10 0.93 0.03 103 83 36 EAST(CD4) 75 9 50 12 63 11 0.84 -0.09 90 84 33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 74 8 52 11 63 10 0.79 -0.20 79 86 33 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period March 29, 2021 to April 4, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: Well below normal temperatures were the big story for the week with multiple nights below the freezing mark. The week opened with frosty conditions in place on Monday morning as lows dipped into the upper 20s to low 30s. Following a brief warmup on Tuesday, a cold front pushed through the area on Tuesday night, accompanied by a round of widespread rain showers. Overall, this was the only significant rainfall event for the week with the state average at 0.90 inches. Much cooler air filtered into the area behind the boundary with three straight nights of subfreezing temperatures for much of the area. The most significant cold air arrived Thursday night/Friday morning when lows dropped into the low to middle 20s for much of KY. This is about 15 to 20 degrees below normal for this time of year. Luckily, the Commonwealth saw a warming trend over the weekend, eventually back in the upper 60s to middle 70s on Sunday with plenty of sunshine. Temperatures for the period averaged 47 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees cooler than normal and 12 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 62 in the West to 59 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 35 degrees in the West to 33 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 6 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 78 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the extreme low was 19 degrees at PIKEVILLE 13S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.90 inches statewide which was 0.11 inches below normal and 89% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.04 inches, Central 1.10 inches, Bluegrass 0.83 inches and East 0.62 inches, which was -0.06, 0.04, -0.08 and -0.34 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.08 inches at POPLAR BLUFF ASOS to a high of 2.31 inches at MURRAY 1W. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210329 to 20210404(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 62 -3 35 -6 49 -4 1.04 -0.06 95 77 21 CENTRAL(CD2) 61 -2 33 -7 47 -4 1.10 0.04 104 78 20 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 59 -2 33 -5 46 -3 0.83 -0.08 91 77 20 EAST(CD4) 59 -4 33 -3 46 -4 0.62 -0.34 65 78 19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 60 -3 34 -5 47 -4 0.90 -0.11 89 78 19 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period March 22, 2021 to March 28, 2021 Well Above Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall: Kentucky saw a third straight week of above normal temperatures. Highs generally rose into the 60s and 70s about every day. Some even hit the low 80s on the 24th. While the week started out on a quiet and dry note, Kentucky saw a strong storm system pass through the region on Thursday. This event came in a couple rounds, one early in the morning and the other that afternoon and into the overnight hours. The first round produced widespread soaking showers, while the second brought some severe weather to the region. Even some weak tornadoes. Another round of rain followed over the weekend with high accumulations across South Central and Southeastern Kentucky. Two inches+ was common for this area and led to some significant flooding for the region. Overall, the state averaged over 1.5 inches for the week, but Eastern Kentucky in itself, was at 2.73 inches. Temperatures for the period averaged 58 degrees across the state which was 9 degrees warmer than normal and 8 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 69 in the West to 69 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 7 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 8 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 50 degrees in the West to 48 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 10 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 13 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 81 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the extreme low was 29 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.68 inches statewide which was 0.64 inches above normal and 161% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.18 inches, Central 1.86 inches, Bluegrass 0.95 inches and East 2.73 inches, which was 0.07, 0.76, 0.01 and 1.71 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.52 inches at MARION 4NE to a high of 6.46 inches at YELLOW CREEK. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210322 to 20210328(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 69 7 50 10 59 8 1.18 0.07 106 80 38 CENTRAL(CD2) 69 8 48 10 58 9 1.86 0.76 169 76 36 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 68 9 47 11 58 11 0.95 0.01 101 76 32 EAST(CD4) 69 8 48 13 59 11 2.73 1.71 268 81 29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 69 8 48 11 58 9 1.68 0.64 161 81 29 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period March 15, 2021 to March 21, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall: The state averaged 1.26 inches for the period behind multiple bouts of widespread rainfall through the workweek. The first round arrived on Monday as a band of showers with embedded thunderstorms produced a tenth to half inch of rain across the region. More activity then arrived on Wednesday and Thursday with a range of accumulations between 0.5 and 1.5 inches. Some severe storms even pushed through portions of far Eastern Kentucky on Thursday with the passage of cold front. Dry conditions then followed on Friday and over the weekend with plenty of sunshine in place. Highs on Saturday and Sunday each topped out in the 60s across the area. Normal highs temperatures for this time of year range in the middle 50s to low 60s. Temperatures for the period averaged 51 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees warmer than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 61 in the West to 63 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 1 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 42 degrees in the West to 41 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 8 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 76 degrees at BOONEVILLE 2S and the extreme low was 22 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.26 inches statewide which was 0.23 inches above normal and 122% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.57 inches, Central 1.09 inches, Bluegrass 0.98 inches and East 1.40 inches, which was 0.48, 0.00, 0.05 and 0.39 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.54 inches at LA GRANGE 6NW to a high of 2.81 inches at BARBOURVILLE 3E. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210315 to 20210321(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 61 1 42 4 52 3 1.57 0.48 144 74 29 CENTRAL(CD2) 61 2 41 5 51 4 1.09 0.00 100 75 24 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 59 3 37 3 48 3 0.98 0.05 105 74 25 EAST(CD4) 63 4 41 8 52 6 1.40 0.39 139 76 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 61 2 40 5 51 4 1.26 0.23 122 76 22 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period March 8, 2021 to March 14, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall: The Commonwealth ran dry for the first few days of the workweek, which ultimately led to a 10-day stretch of dry conditions since the exceptional rainfall seen over the last couple days of February. Well above normal temperatures accompanied the dry conditions, peaking Tuesday through Thursday in the upper 60s to low 70s. Rain returned to the area on Thursday and Thursday night with the passage of a cold front. The highest accumulations were seen across counties bordering Southwestern Indiana with values of 2+ inches. After another rainfall event Friday night/Saturday morning for the Purchase and Pennyrile Regions, dry conditions and seasonable temperatures returned for the weekend. Overall, Western Kentucky averaged 1.62 inches for the week, while the rest of the climate divisions across Kentucky saw below normal rainfall. Temperatures for the period averaged 53 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees warmer than normal and 12 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 65 in the West to 64 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 7 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 46 degrees in the West to 40 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 10 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 76 degrees at JACKSON AIRPORT and the extreme low was 16 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.91 inches statewide which was 0.07 inches below normal and 93% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.62 inches, Central 0.84 inches, Bluegrass 0.88 inches and East 0.31 inches, which was 0.60, -0.19, -0.02 and -0.66 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.08 inches at YELLOW CREEK to a high of 2.90 inches at CARBONDALE ASOS. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210308 to 20210314(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 65 7 46 10 56 9 1.62 0.60 159 75 27 CENTRAL(CD2) 64 8 44 10 54 9 0.84 -0.19 82 75 20 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 62 8 40 8 51 8 0.88 -0.02 98 73 18 EAST(CD4) 64 7 40 9 52 8 0.31 -0.66 32 76 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 64 8 42 9 53 8 0.91 -0.07 93 76 16 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period March 1, 2021 to March 7, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation: While dry conditions were in place for most of the week, state data shows Kentucky averaged over an inch for the week. This is due to the fact that data for the new period starts at 7PM on Sunday. Thus, this period takes into account a significant portion of rainfall on the evening and overnight of the 28th. Dry conditions then filtered into the area on Monday and stuck around the rest of the period, giving the Commonwealth a much needed break from extreme rainfall. Otherwise, temperatures fluctuated throughout the week with Kentucky ultimately a couple degrees below normal for the period, but with plenty in the way sunshine. Temperatures for the period averaged 42 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 56 in the West to 53 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from near normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 32 degrees in the West to 29 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 70 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS and the extreme low was 17 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.02 inches statewide which was 0.06 inches above normal and 106% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.51 inches, Central 1.11 inches, Bluegrass 0.66 inches and East 1.81 inches, which was -0.54, 0.10, -0.20 and 0.87 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at HARDINSBURG 5SW to a high of 3.37 inches at LONDON. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210301 to 20210307(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 56 0 32 -2 44 -1 0.51 -0.54 49 70 24 CENTRAL(CD2) 54 -1 30 -3 42 -2 1.11 0.10 110 67 21 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 51 -2 28 -3 39 -3 0.66 -0.20 77 64 19 EAST(CD4) 53 -3 29 -1 41 -2 1.81 0.87 193 70 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 54 -1 30 -2 42 -2 1.02 0.06 106 70 17 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period February 22, 2021 to February 28, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Precipitation: Exceptional rainfall fell across the Bluegrass State to end February, marking a third straight week of very impactful weather conditions across the area. Overall, the state averaged 2.81 inches over the last few days of the month behind multiple waves of rainfall. The most impactful period of rainfall occurred Saturday night and Sunday as widespread coverage combined with moderate to heavy intensity and led to numerous bouts of flash flooding and river flooding. Some of the rain fell after the data cutoff for the report this week, but overall, most of Kentucky saw 2 to 6+ inches through Sunday night. Putting this into perspective, the state averages 3.67 inches for the month of February as a whole. Looking at temperatures, the state finally saw a break from the cold of previous weeks. In fact, the state saw multiple days with highs in the 60s and some even hitting the 70s. Temperatures for the period averaged 48 degrees across the state which was 6 degrees warmer than normal and 26 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 57 in the West to 57 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 3 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 41 degrees in the West to 39 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 9 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 10 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 74 degrees at BOONEVILLE 2S and the extreme low was 12 degrees at PIKEVILLE 13S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 3.03 inches statewide which was 2.05 inches above normal and 308% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 2.50 inches, Central 3.64 inches, Bluegrass 2.53 inches and East 3.44 inches, which was 1.4, 2.59, 1.67 and 2.52 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 1.16 inches at POPLAR BLUFF ASOS to a high of 5.53 inches at BOWLING GREEN 4E. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210222 to 20210228(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 57 3 41 9 49 6 2.50 1.40 227 72 30 CENTRAL(CD2) 57 5 41 10 49 7 3.64 2.59 347 73 24 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 54 4 38 9 46 6 2.53 1.67 294 72 25 EAST(CD4) 57 4 39 10 48 7 3.44 2.52 374 74 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 56 4 40 10 48 6 3.03 2.05 308 74 12 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period February 15, 2021 to February 21, 2021 Well Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation: It was a week to remember for the Bluegrass State with two major winter storms pushing through the area. The first wave moved through the region on Monday and Monday night, resulting in a mix of wintry precipitation across the state. In the end, Eastern Kentucky was hit with another major ice storm for the second time in less than a week. Many saw accumulations of a quarter to half inch+ in this region. Once again, travel became treacherous and power outages increased with an estimated peak of 150,000 customers without power. Heavy sleet and snow mixed in with the ice farther to the north and west into Central KY (2-5+ inches), eventually transitioning to mostly snow (5-9 inches) across Western Kentucky. Very chilly air followed on Tuesday with highs struggling in the upper teens to middle 20s. Round two then swung through the area on Wednesday and Thursday. Luckily, this storm brought more in the way of snow showers, but was still impactful, leaving 3 to 5 inches across much of the southern half of Kentucky, tapering to the north. Very chilly air followed the next couple days with morning temperatures dipping into the single digits and even below zero at times (first time since 2015). Temperatures for the period averaged 22 degrees across the state which was 16 degrees cooler than normal and 6 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 28 in the West to 34 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 22 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 16 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 10 degrees in the West to 18 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 20 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 8 degrees cooler than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 55 degrees at ALBANY 1N and the extreme low was -6 degrees at HENDERSON 5E. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.00 inches statewide which was 0.09 inches above normal and 110% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.59 inches, Central 1.11 inches, Bluegrass 0.94 inches and East 1.35 inches, which was -0.44, 0.13, 0.16 and 0.50 inches respectively from normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.02 inches at CARBONDALE ASOS to a high of 2.81 inches at HARDINSBURG 5SW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210215 to 20210221(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 28 -22 10 -20 19 -21 0.59 -0.44 57 55 -6 CENTRAL(CD2) 30 -19 13 -16 22 -17 1.11 0.13 113 55 -3 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 28 -19 14 -13 21 -16 0.94 0.16 121 47 -3 EAST(CD4) 34 -16 18 -8 26 -12 1.35 0.50 159 55 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 30 -19 14 -14 22 -16 1.00 0.09 110 55 -6 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period February 8, 2021 to February 14, 2021 Well Below Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation: The first significant and impactful winter storm of 2021 pushed through the state on Wednesday and Thursday. Ice was the primary threat for most of the state with accumulations ranging from a tenth to half inch+ for much of the area. The ice resulted in hazardous driving conditions, tree damage and power outages, especially across Eastern Kentucky. Additional rounds of light precipitation followed through the rest of the period, along with some very cold air sliding into the area. Highs struggled in the 20s and 30s through the weekend. Even teens across Western KY on Sunday. Lows on Sunday morning ranged from the single digits across Western Kentucky to middle 20s for Eastern Kentucky. Winds chills in the single digits and even below zero, prompted the livestock cold stress index to dip into the Emergency Category. Temperatures for the period averaged 28 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 28 in the West to 37 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 20 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 10 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 21 degrees in the West to 27 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 7 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 59 degrees at MIDDLESBORO AWOS and the extreme low was 2 degrees at CARBONDALE ASOS. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.59 inches statewide which was 0.31 inches below normal and 66% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.40 inches, Central 0.62 inches, Bluegrass 0.70 inches and East 0.66 inches, which was 0.6, 0.36, 0.07 and 0.18 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.15 inches at HICKMAN 2E to a high of 1.31 inches at STANFORD 4NE. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210208 to 20210214(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 28 -20 21 -7 25 -13 0.40 -0.60 40 47 2 CENTRAL(CD2) 33 -14 25 -2 29 -8 0.62 -0.36 63 51 15 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 31 -14 23 -2 27 -8 0.70 -0.07 91 44 13 EAST(CD4) 37 -10 27 3 32 -4 0.66 -0.18 79 59 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 32 -15 24 -2 28 -8 0.59 -0.31 66 59 2 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period February 1, 2021 to February 7, 2021 Below Normal Temperatures and Precipitation: Feburary opened with widespread snow showers on Monday and Monday night, resulting in light accumulations under 2 inches for most everyone. Dry conditions then took over Tuesday and Wednesday with NW winds keeping temperatures near to below normal. Southerly flow increased on Thursday ahead of a cold front. Gusty winds, sometimes topping 30 mph, pushed highs into the middle 40s to low 50s across the state. Widespread rainfall accompanied the boundary with most accumulations between a tenth and half inch, highest across Western Kentucky and tapering to the east. Outside of some minor disturbances bringing some light snow/rain showers over the weekend, temperatures went on the downhill slide with highs on Sunday limited to the upper 20s to middle 30s. Overall, the state averaged 0.40 inches for the week, which is about a half inch below normal. Temperatures for the period averaged 32 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 41 in the West to 40 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 4 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 5 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 26 degrees in the West to 26 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from near normal in the West to 3 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 53 degrees at BURKESVILLE 3W and the extreme low was 9 degrees at CARBONDALE ASOS. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.40 inches statewide which was 0.47 inches below normal and 46% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.43 inches, Central 0.43 inches, Bluegrass 0.29 inches and East 0.46 inches, which was 0.52, 0.52, 0.47 and 0.37 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.16 inches at RICHMOND 8E to a high of 0.90 inches at PIKEVILLE 13S. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210201 to 20210207(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 41 -4 26 0 33 -3 0.43 -0.52 45 51 9 CENTRAL(CD2) 40 -5 26 1 33 -2 0.43 -0.52 45 53 18 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 37 -6 24 1 30 -3 0.29 -0.47 38 47 12 EAST(CD4) 40 -5 26 3 33 -1 0.46 -0.37 55 50 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 40 -4 26 2 32 -2 0.40 -0.47 46 53 9 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period January 25, 2021 to January 31, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Precipitation: An exceptional amount of rain fell across the state to start out the week as an area of low pressure worked through the area. Widespread light to moderate showers led to a soaking rainfall event, even accompanied by some storms. Overall, most of the state saw 1 to 3+ inches. The highest totals were seen across Western and West- Central Kentucky, which led to some flooding. This ended up breaking a three week streak of the state precipitation average running below normal and wiped out any mention of ‘abnormally dry conditions’ on the US Drought Monitor across South-Central Kentucky. This event was followed by a couple more rounds, one on Wednesday/Wednesday night and the other over the weekend. The midweek system brought the area a round of snow with 1 to 3 inches common across the eastern half of the state. Adding another half inch+ of rain over the weekend, the state averaged 2.74 inches for the week. Temperatures for the period averaged 36 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees warmer than normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 44 in the West to 43 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from near normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 32 degrees in the West to 30 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 7 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 8 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 64 degrees at MIDDLESBORO AWOS and the extreme low was 5 degrees at CYNTHIANA 8N. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 2.74 inches statewide which was 1.95 inches above normal and 347% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 3.15 inches, Central 3.08 inches, Bluegrass 2.43 inches and East 2.30 inches, which was 2.31, 2.23, 1.74 and 1.52 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 1.01 inches at MIDDLESBORO AWOS to a high of 4.66 inches at BENTON 4N. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210125 to 20210131(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 44 0 32 7 38 3 3.15 2.31 375 60 16 CENTRAL(CD2) 44 1 31 7 37 4 3.08 2.23 362 62 11 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 39 -2 27 5 33 1 2.43 1.74 352 58 5 EAST(CD4) 43 -1 30 8 37 4 2.30 1.52 295 64 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 42 -1 30 7 36 3 2.74 1.95 347 64 5 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period January 18, 2021 to January 24, 2021 Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation: Dry conditions have been the norm for much of January. That trend did not change this period as Kentucky saw a third straight week of below normal precipitation. While the state did see a few rounds of precipitation throughout the week (Monday, Wednesday night, and Sunday), each one featured only light accumulations. The highest totals with each round were mainly between a tenth and two tenths of an inch. The trend in dry weather has led the US Drought Monitor to reintroduce 'abnormally dry' conditions across much of South Central Kentucky. While precipitation ran below normal once again, temperatures followed an up and down pattern, ultimately ending the week above normal. This marks a fifth straight week of near to above normal temperatures for the Bluegrass State, dating back into late December. Temperatures for the period averaged 36 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 45 in the West to 42 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 31 degrees in the West to 28 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 6 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 6 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 55 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 10 degrees at BURLINGTON 4S. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.17 inches statewide which was 0.65 inches below normal and 21% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.25 inches, Central 0.25 inches, Bluegrass 0.07 inches and East 0.12 inches, which was 0.62, 0.62, 0.64 and 0.71 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.01 inches at LOUISA 1S to a high of 0.43 inches at MAYFIELD 6SW. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210118 to 20210124(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 45 2 31 6 38 4 0.25 -0.62 29 53 17 CENTRAL(CD2) 43 1 30 6 37 4 0.25 -0.62 29 55 16 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 39 -2 28 5 33 1 0.07 -0.64 10 52 10 EAST(CD4) 42 -1 28 6 35 2 0.12 -0.71 14 55 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 42 -0 29 6 36 3 0.17 -0.65 21 55 10 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period January 11, 2021 to January 17, 2021 Slightly Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation: The Bluegrass State saw precipitation run below normal for a second straight week. Just like precipitation events last week, any accumulations were very light in nature. Despite seeing precipitation on a daily basis between Thursday night and Sunday, the state average was 0.18 inches for the week. Much of that total came in the form of snow over the weekend with periodic rounds of light accumulations. The highest totals came Friday night and Saturday morning when several locations saw 1 to 2 inches. Warm ground temperatures tended to limit any impacts with accumulations mainly on grassy and elevated surfaces. Over the past 14 days, the state has averaged 0.22 inches, which is about 1.5 inches below normal. Temperatures for the period averaged 34 degrees across the state which was 1 degree warmer than normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 42 in the West to 41 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 29 degrees in the West to 28 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 61 degrees at ELKTON 5SW and the extreme low was 12 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.17 inches statewide which was 0.69 inches below normal and 20% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.07 inches, Central 0.15 inches, Bluegrass 0.23 inches and East 0.25 inches, which was 0.83, 0.76, 0.51 and 0.64 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at HICKMAN 2E to a high of 0.48 inches at PIKEVILLE 13S. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210111 to 20210117(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 42 -1 29 4 35 1 0.07 -0.83 8 61 16 CENTRAL(CD2) 40 -2 28 3 34 1 0.15 -0.76 16 57 15 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 39 -2 28 5 33 1 0.23 -0.51 31 56 15 EAST(CD4) 41 -3 28 5 35 2 0.25 -0.64 28 56 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 40 -2 28 4 34 1 0.17 -0.69 20 61 12 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period January 4, 2021 to January 10, 2021 Near Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Precipitation: Cloud cover held steady throughout much the week, leading to chilly conditions. Following a cold front on Monday night, highs struggled in the 30s to low 40s on a daily basis, slightly below normal for this time of year. Very light rain/snow showers accompanied the front. This was followed a disturbance passing to our south on Thursday and Thursday night. Ultimately, this was another light snow event with the highest accumulations across North Central Kentucky in the 0.5 to 2 inch range. Still though, these accumulations were limited to grassy and elevated surfaces. Dry conditions then followed through the weekend. Altogether, the state averaged 0.04 inches for the week. Saying that, the Thursday update of the US Drought Monitor did remove any mention of abnormally dry conditions from the state with higher accumulations around the start of 2021. Temperatures for the period averaged 34 degrees across the state which was near normal and 8 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 41 in the West to 39 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 5 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 30 degrees in the West to 30 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 6 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 55 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 15 degrees at CARLISLE 5SW. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.04 inches statewide which was 0.84 inches below normal and 5% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.02 inches, Central 0.01 inches, Bluegrass 0.02 inches and East 0.09 inches, which was 0.91, 0.94, 0.73 and 0.82 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALBANY 1N to a high of 0.36 inches at PIKEVILLE 13S. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20210104 to 20210110(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 41 -2 30 4 36 2 0.02 -0.91 2 55 22 CENTRAL(CD2) 39 -3 29 4 34 0 0.01 -0.94 1 55 18 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 38 -3 29 5 34 2 0.02 -0.73 3 49 15 EAST(CD4) 39 -5 30 6 34 0 0.09 -0.82 10 53 15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 39 -4 30 5 34 0 0.04 -0.84 5 55 15 --- Kentucky Climate Summary For the Period December 28, 2020 to January 3, 2021 Well Above Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation: Rain was abundant as Kentucky closed 2020 and opened the new year. Following a quiet and chilly start to the period, widespread rain showers accompanied a cold front passing through the area Wednesday and lasting into Thursday morning. After a brief break, widespread rain returned late Thursday night and continued into New Year’s Day as an upper-level disturbance worked across the area. While the state did see some light accumulations over the weekend, the brunt of the weekly state average fell on either side of the holiday. Overall, the state averaged 1.69 inches for the period, which is over three quarters of an inch above normal. Ahead of a cold front on Friday, well above normal temperatures were seen across the state with highs jumping into the 60s and even low 70s for much of South-Central Kentucky. Behind the boundary, temperatures went on the downhill slide, only topping out in the upper 30s to middle 40s on Sunday. Temperatures for the period averaged 42 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees warmer than normal and 6 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 48 in the West to 52 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 4 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 8 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 34 degrees in the West to 36 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 12 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 73 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 20 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS. Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.69 inches statewide which was 0.78 inches above normal and 186% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 2.11 inches, Central 1.79 inches, Bluegrass 1.95 inches and East 0.93 inches, which was 1.16, 0.81, 1.15 and 0.02 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.36 inches at WHITESBURG 2NW to a high of 2.59 inches at MADISONVILLE 4S. Summarized and averaged data for the period 20201228 to 20210103(Last 7 Days) (Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages) AIR TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION ExtremeTemp STATION MAX DEV MIN DEV AVR DEV TOTAL DEV %NORM HI LO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST(CD1) 48 4 34 8 41 6 2.11 1.16 222 71 23 CENTRAL(CD2) 50 7 36 10 43 9 1.79 0.81 183 73 22 BLUEGRASS(CD3) 48 6 34 10 40 7 1.95 1.15 244 67 22 EAST(CD4) 52 8 36 12 44 10 0.93 0.02 102 70 20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE 50 7 35 10 42 8 1.69 0.78 186 73 20